About US
Get to Know Us a bit!
GoldenVerse is owned by A Dimension Beyond, Inc. in Arizona, USA, in a partnership with Metaverse School GmbH in Bavaria, Germany. GoldenVerse is the result of over 10 years of designing a simple browser-based virtual world that would be feature rich and easy and intuitive to use. 

GoldenVerse is based on the cybaLOUNGE platform designed by Dieter Heyne. CybaLOUNGE was the second web-based virtual world, opening in December 2013. We have steadily added features and designed our system to be very stable and secure. 

We are very open to your suggestions and improvements to improve GoldenVerse. You as part of the GoldenVerse Community have a direct line to the people who have designed and built GoldenVerse. Please be sure to send us your ideas and suggestions. You can be sure we will take them seriously. In addition there will be a regularly scheduled Community meeting where you can share ideas and concerns.